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The Erotic Mind

While on my journey of self discovery and understanding of the “immovement of Art, Interrupted” I stumbled across an interesting, simple and tight documentary called Sex in the Comics (watch on Netflix Canada) where they investigate the life and thoughts of artists who are (in)famous for their work in illustrated erotica. While the doc approached only from a single angle (that of positivity and focused on the opinions of those who celebrate or stand to make a living), it was an interesting and inspiring piece. Fortunately, it allows for an undisturbed echo chamber and opportunity for the...

New tool

Trying out a weird, but kind useful new tool. A self-watering watercolour brush.  Neat, cheap and handy. Wouldn’t be much use on a full-size piece, but could be good for detailing or little pieces like my 2.5″x3.5″.

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